Hmmmm, what a better way to spend a Valentine's day then making some delicious burgers? No really, it's a great way! This Valentine's day started of with the exchange of some gifts, which we got for each other. One received freshly baked chocolate cupcakes with a delicious sugar topping and the other a box of Belgian chocolate.. so much chocolate.. don't you think? We had no idea that we will still cook something today, yet at the last moment we decided to spend this Valentine's day (a weekday) and night together. What now? That's right, now it's time to cook! Not feeling like something too fancy? Maybe the amount of time isn't appropriate. Well, I think it's safe to say, that burgers will save you. And as a remark, nothing is impossible; burgers can also be made delicate and fancy ;). Here's what you'll need:
Your favorite bun recipe
Minced meat (the amount depends on you, yourself)
An egg
Blue cheese
Spices and herbs (whatever you're feeling like)
Some sauce (this time we used sweet chili sauce, surprisingly delicious)
First of all bake the buns! Follow your favorite recipe! Mix the minced meat with one egg. Season it. Add some blue cheese, you won't regret it. Mix and form it into meatballs. Size doesn't matter ;). Chop the tomatoes, cut the cheese. When the buns are done take them out and cut into two halves. So what goes inside? First of all the sauce (in this case sweet chili sauce), then one hot meatball. Lettuce goes next, followed by tomatoes and finally some cheese.
Doesn't it just look beautiful? We suggest you enjoy with someone special, don't forget to add a pinch of love, and some romance ;)
Thanks for reading! We hope you've enjoyed your Valentine's day, keep up on the love guys!
Posted by N.